Mit diesem Programm kann man Puzzle im Tetris-Stil erstellen, selber spielen (das ist noch’n bißchchen buggy) oder vom Rechner lösen lassen im Backtracking verfahren. Beim lösen lassen kann man die erste oder alle Lösungen errechnen lassen, das wiederum kann auch abgebrochen werden. Die Ausgabe erfolgt dann in eine Textdatei. (Programmiert in Borland Pascal 7.0, 1996)
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Tuesday, July 25, 2000
Puzzle Programm
Friday, January 7, 2000
Informatik Sommercamp ‘97 Applet
This Applet was written while attending the Informatik Sommercamp ‘97 at University of Passau. You can mark important points in the pictures via a mesh and then morph one picture into another. It’s very neat and still working with current JVM’s.
So, greetings to ScBlick and Zimmer 7! ;)
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Sunday, January 2, 2000
auPlayer Java Applet
This applet can play .au-files. It was one of my first steps with Java so its not very flexible and you would have to change the code to be able to play other files than the tree I have included. (This was programmed somwhere around 1995)
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