Monday, May 18, 2009


GamePatchDistributor is designed as a convenience tool for game patch distribution on local LAN-parties. As frontend for an FTP-server or a Windows share it makes patches easily accessible over the network, without the need for a special server setup. With additional notes one can summarize how patches have to be installed or just shoe the Release notes.
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Monday, July 25, 2005

Bnet Server Editor

The Bnet Server Editor (BnetSE) is an application to alter the windows registry entrys for the Servers of all Blizzard games till Warcraft 3. There is a similar app from Octopussy, it was my inspiration, but I wanted to have some additional features ;)
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Monday, April 25, 2005

Sudoku Applet

This applet was written in cooperation with a friend of mine. It searches with a simple backtracking algorithm sulotions for a Sudoku board and after that removes some random fields, so someone can solve it again… This way you can generate an infinite number of Sudokus.
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Tuesday, July 25, 2000

Puzzle Programm

Mit diesem Programm kann man Puzzle im Tetris-Stil erstellen, selber spielen (das ist noch’n bißchchen buggy) oder vom Rechner lösen lassen im Backtracking verfahren. Beim lösen lassen kann man die erste oder alle Lösungen errechnen lassen, das wiederum kann auch abgebrochen werden. Die Ausgabe erfolgt dann in eine Textdatei. (Programmiert in Borland Pascal 7.0, 1996)
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Friday, January 7, 2000

Informatik Sommercamp ‘97 Applet

This Applet was written while attending the Informatik Sommercamp ‘97 at University of Passau. You can mark important points in the pictures via a mesh and then morph one picture into another. It’s very neat and still working with current JVM’s.
So, greetings to ScBlick and Zimmer 7! ;)
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